
δ 岛屿


Providing water supplies for 19 million consumers and our economy cannot be at the expense of the environment. 我们大力投资保护自然资源. Our acquisition of islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin δ allows us the extraordinary opportunity to help secure and guard the δ’s future. We are using the strategically located islands to explore ways to help improve the δ’s declining ecosystem and promote water reliability for those we serve.  

而三角洲对南加州的供水很重要, 这是每个人都应该关心的地方. It’s the heart of California’s water delivery system and is vital to our economy, 多样化的生态系统, 以及数百万加州人的生活质量.  

We contribute to science and re搜索 and identifying potential projects on the islands that support water system reliability, 恢复栖息地,促进可持续农业实践. 我们正在与州和联邦机构合作, 技术专家, academia and environmental organizations as we develop these studies and projects.



The δ was once home to about 80 percent of California’s fishery species and the West Coast’s largest estuary. 它也是太平洋候鸟迁徙路线的一部分. But the original habitat that supported native species has been modified and looks significantly different than its natural state, 原因有很多, 例如农业复垦, 外来物种引进, 水改道, 地面沉降. The healthy habitat and food web that support native species are part of the delicate δ ecosystem, 许多鱼类的数量正在下降.

We are expanding scientific studies and re搜索 that can benefit ecosystem health in the δ. 岛上的一些地区提供以下机会:

  • 发展鱼类的食物生产(浮游动物)
  • Restore native tule vegetation to rebuild peat soils to increase land elevation and reduce carbon emissions, 同时保护饮用水源的质量
  • 将部分土地转为非潮汐湿地, or preserve cultivated land with food for birds to improve waterfowl habitat and help protect threatened and endangered species
  • 恢复潮汐湿地, 就像在奇普斯岛所做的那样, which 大都会 recently sold to the state Department of Water 资源 for this purpose




通过三角洲的加州供水系统依赖于大约1,100英里长的堤坝保护农场, 城市, 和人民. For the δ islands, the levees surround subsided land that is below sea-level. These levees are vulnerable to earthquakes, floods and rising sea levels under climate change. 当堤坝倒塌时, 水涌进来, pulling in saltwater from the bay and impacting water quality before it can be delivered to Southern California, 旧金山湾区, 中央海岸和中央山谷. 

We are working with our project partners to strengthen levees along the freshwater pathway, as well as ensure comprehensive emergency response to protect this vital water supply in the event of an earthquake or other disaster.  

我们也在研究气候变化的风险, 管理泥炭土壤,减少碳排放, 加强堤防,改善水质,提高供水可靠性. 三角洲面临着许多挑战. We are committed to managing those risks for the benefit of those we serve.