
独特的 大都会

The 大都会 Water District of Southern California might not be a household name. 但如果你是南加州人, there’s a good chance you get some of your water through 大都会. 我们为26个城市的公共水务机构提供服务, 市政水区和一个县水务局,然后直接或间接地向洛杉矶的1900万人提供供水, 橙色, 河畔, 圣贝纳迪诺, 圣地亚哥和文图拉县.

We have imported water from the 科罗拉多河 since 1941 和 from Northern California since the early 1970s. 我们是州水项目最大的单一承包商,也是南加州节水和水循环项目的主要支持者, 以及其他当地水资源管理活动. 

Whether it’s historic drought or the longer-term threat of climate change, 我们在这里是为了保护该地区,并以对环境负责的方式提供高质量、负担得起的水. 



The 年度报告 provides a detailed recap of activities for the fiscal year. 有100页的文字, more than 50 tables 和 charts 和 dozens of photos 和 graphics, it captures the year’s highlights 和 information covering 都市的 water supplies, 治理, 操作, 项目, 项目和政策. The website includes online versions of the First 年度报告 和 all reports from fiscal year 2007 onward.



到1920年,洛杉矶的居民已经增长到100万. 水资源短缺迫在眉睫. 领导们担心,随着城市之间争夺水权,沙漠会重新开垦这片土地,并担心洛杉矶会因为水而吞并它们. Southern Californians united around an ambitious dream to bring 科罗拉多河 water across the Mojave Desert. Their vehicle — the 大都会 Water District of Southern California, created by state law in 1928.


Our founding mission: to build 和 operate 科罗拉多河渡槽.  The first 董事会 met in Pasadena at the historic Huntington hotel in 1928. W.P. Whitsett, the founder of the community of Van Nuys, was elected chairman.

大都会 helped forge l和mark federal agreements like the Boulder Canyon Project Act, which divided up the 科罗拉多河 water supply 和 led to the creation of Hoover Dam. Voters overwhelmingly approved a $220 million Depression-era bond that provided jobs to 35,000 -隧道钻孔虫, 矿工, 工程师, 厨师等. 这相当于3美元.今天投资750亿美元. Workers toiled in 120-degree heat on the 242-mile 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct, 修建150英里的运河, 文裕章, 导管和管道. We erected five pumping plants to lift water over mountains so deliveries could then flow west by gravity. We blasted 90-plus miles of tunnels, including a waterway under Mt. 在哈辛托,188bet棋牌平台人员与600英尺高的水柱搏斗.

“This has been just about the roughest, toughest tunnel job in construction history. These tunnel men have accomplished what many persons said could never be done.” 

W.P. 惠特塞特,大都会董事会主席,1938年 



1941年6月17日,新F.E. Weymouth Water Softening Plant 和 for the first time water flowed to the city of Pasadena, one of the original 13 cities whose voters approved the 1933 aqueduct construction bond. By the end of July, water would flow to Beverly Hills, Burbank, Compton 和 Santa Monica. 奥兰治县也将紧随其后.


As the final countdown began to delivery day, it was a time of promise 和 uncertainty. 强击手乔·迪马吉奥(Joe DiMaggio)正处于他56场连续安打的中期,重量级冠军乔·路易斯(Joe Louis)也接连击倒对手. Glenn Miller 和 Duke Ellington were cutting records like “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” 和 “Take the A-Train.”

第一次商业电视广播是在几周之后. 横跨大西洋, World War II raged from Belgium to Britain as Nazi 德国y tightened its grip on much of Europe. 好几个星期, America had been in a state of emergency because of Axis threats, 六个月后, 偷袭珍珠港将使国家陷入战争.


新的渡槽为战争提供了至关重要的支持, 战争结束多年后, 每一代南加州人都在迎接挑战,保护一个地区及其工业在世界舞台上的地位.



在1938年末, 大都会电影公司向南部主要的电影院和学校发行了这部电影,详细介绍了科罗拉多河渡槽工程的故事,并介绍了加州浪漫而多彩的历史背景.  The film was created to give a vivid account of the men 和 women involved in this historic project.




大都会的历史录像, 包括早期的片段,展示了1928年建造的科罗拉多河渡槽,以及该地区如何演变,以与水质和管理等公共价值观保持同步.

医院 Employees in front of a 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct 医院 building, 1941


Innovation has been a hallmark of 都市的 planning 和 操作 since our early days. We provided medical care to workers through a nickle-a-day payroll deduction plan, working with the doctor who would later use this as the model for Kaiser Permanente. We built a pioneering water treatment plant in La Verne that was the largest of its kind. 6月17日, 1941, we began delivering water to Pasadena as supplies coursed into a two-county area, linked by a vast network of tunnels 和 feeder lines snaking beneath the streets of 13 cities. Our water helped build Navy ships during World War II 和 supported the post-war boom. 面对着分享科罗拉多河馈赠的请求, we devised an annexation system that allowed 大都会 to grow to cover six counties.

California 政府ernor Pat Brown reviewing 大都会's expansion plan, 1960
A 大都会 worker welds a pipe as a part of the SWP pump plant construction

We began incentivizing our members to store our water in their local groundwater basins for drier times. 一场持续的干旱促使我们在20世纪90年代转向环保, recycling 和 groundwater cleanup 和 construction of 钻石谷湖. We also began putting forth new ideas, like purchasing conserved water from farmers. When 21st Century dem和s 和 drought pressured the 科罗拉多河, our creative alliances with farmers 和 southwest states plugged the gap. 当污染和更严格的标准威胁到供应时, 我们充当了关键的后援, investing millions in treatment upgrades 和 protecting water in faraway rivers. We buffered the region from historic 2010s drought as we exp和ed storage, 在萨克拉门托-圣华金三角洲投入了数亿美元用于保护环境,并寻求长期平衡的解决方案来解决供水和环境问题, 为21世纪20年代取得更多突破铺平了道路.





元素包括加州熊, 加利福尼亚罂粟, 从大隧道流出的水, 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct construction workers flanked by desert plants, 齿轮:象征工业车轮的齿轮, 和 links of a chain representing 大都会's founding cities.

这个印章经常用在大都会的出版物上, materials 和 correspondence 和 is considered the district's official logo. Small changes were made to the seal over the years, mainly to add more color or enhance a highlight.

When visitors step into the Rotunda on the lobby floor of 大都会's Union Station headquarters, 海豹是它们最先看到的东西之一. The seal has been revised over the years to reflect the growth 和 changes of the District, 大堂的封条反映了这些变化. 在印章的右侧增加了第二条河流,象征着国家水利工程增加了该地区的供水来源.

了解 每个MWD设施的名称是如何获得的.



The images below are from our photo archives of the men 和 women, 从1927年到1941年, 谁都是工程建设项目的一部分, 科罗拉多河渡槽.